PCBA design modification manufacture

modular system assembly

Factory SMT & Assembly lines strategically located in KZ TW CN

ID Design . Risk Analysis . IP Rights

Dedicated to engineering products / sub-systems to meeting requirements, GIT considers design risk assessment in-lieu of lifecycle, production viability and component availability all of which eliminates risk to business or 15-year-operability for the client. Intellectual property rights to the product / sub-system are also confirmed with clients at this point. Our capabilities are consistently recognized by clients continually sending new requirements to us.

Cost Evaluation . Competitive Analysis . Component Longevity

No components and chips of the same categories are equal. GIT screens components specifically particular for the requirements. This process reduces final cost and makes the product / sub-system competitive, cost-effective or future-proofing for minimum 10 years for the client. This forte differentiates us from others.


GIT provides a convenient system to track development status, and scheduling of production runs. Consisting staff and ERP to maintaining consistent on-going communication and progress.

Survey . Advisement . Engagement

Providing concise privy information of technology and material trends, we assist in assessing the viability of the proposed product / sub-system, giving feedback in-lieu of such trends to creating sustainable business or 15-year-operability scenarios to clients.